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ONE Love

ABOUT Seeds and beans

​For those of you who don't know us, a little background!

Kelly: Raised in Charlotte, NC. One of three children. Graduated from Appalachian State University in 2010 with a B.S in Social Studies/History, Secondary Education. First teaching position was in alternative education here in Charlotte North Carolina. I taught in the jail system in charlotte and at a local boot camp for at-risk youth. After one year, God swooped me up and presented an amazing opportunity for me to break into Social Work. I have been working for a local non-profit called Communities in Schools: Safe Journey/APP Program. I am a case manager and work with 20 teen moms and their children in Charlotte. I have worked largely with Hispanic families and have enjoyed every minute of it. This is where my desire to begin to learn Spanish began. Little did I know God was exposing me to the Mexican culture and Spanish language. Kenny and I believe God has been setting us up and preparing us for this move to Mexico. 




Kenny: Born and raised in California, I moved here to NC when I was 18 years old. I worked a myriad of different jobs while attending classes at CPCC. Kelly and I married May 13, 2012. Soon after, I graduated from CPCC with my Associates degree in Liberal Arts and transferred to UNCC to finish my degree in Accounting. In the midst of all this, I began to soak up literature and podcasts on entrepreneurship. I have always wanted to work for myself, and feel like God is presenting us with an opportunity to use those desires and gifts for His Glory and His Kingdom in Mexico.  

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